Ask Dr Sara

Submit A Question to Dr Sara Watkin!

If you have a question about healthcare in Cayman, especially newborn and paediatric care, or general questions relating to babies and children, I’d be happy to address them (or try to). Having moved from the UK, I know just how different Cayman healthcare really is. You can’t always find out what you need to know and sometimes it’s difficult to separate fact from fiction from self-interest and other biases. I’ll do my best!

My goal is to receive questions and then publish the answers for all to see, so that it benefits others with the same questions.



I’ll keep it simple but the following are the main ones:

  • I can’t give specific clinical advice on specific infants or children in this forum (contact me directly for this)
  • When I post answers, I will not identify you, so you can rest assured on confidentiality
  • Please let me know if you DON’T want my answered shared i.e. you want a personal response instead
  • It’s ‘Ask Dr Sara’, not ‘Auntie Sara’, so a loose health system, insurance, care, safety, baby and children theme to questions please

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Whenever I answer a question, I’ll notify through Facebook and so please follow my page.

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